Mr Ertan Erel is an experienced plastic surgeon in the field of body contouring after massive weight loss which requires different techniques. He uses techniques learned from the pioneer surgeons in this field to remove excess skin and fat. Mr Erel performs body lift surgeries such as mastopexy (breast uplift), breast augmentation & reduction, extended tummy tuck surgery, back lifts, arm lifts, and thigh lifts. Ideally, your BMI needs to be less than 30 (weight/height ratio) and if you smoke you need to stop it for 6 weeks before and after surgery to achieve the best results. As an adjunct Mr Erel uses body tightening devices such as BodyTite/FaceTite, Morpeous 8, or Renuvion in some patients with loose skin. You will see examples of patients operated by Mr Erel following bariatric surgery or massive weight loss with diet and exercise without surgery below.